Fried Pomfret

(For 3 servings)


Tools: 12” Electric Skillet


1 pcs (450 gr) Pomfret fish
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Powdered white pepper
1 tbsp Wheat flour
4-6 tbsp VCO Oil



How to make:


1. Dry the fish with a paper towel. Season the surface and inside of the belly with salt and pepper.

2. Coat the fish with flour. Store in the refrigerator until the fish becomes stiff (± 30 minutes).

3. Heat the 12” Electric Skillet to 230º C. Test with water. Add oil, set time 20 minutes.

4. Fry the fish for 10 minutes with the lid slightly open. Shake the pan, if the fish is released from the bottom of the pan, then the fish is ready to be turned. Turn fish over, and cook until browned (10 minutes). Lift, serve.



Recipes can use types of fresh fish that are not too thick fleshed such as snapper, barramundi, mackerel, tilapia, and mackerel.


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